This morning I had just put young Bersi into the pasture with the other stallions. I turned around for a minute to pull straws out from Bjarmi's tail (as he always looks totally messy, if he is not dirty he has straws everywhere), and then Bersi was gone! Where did he go? I thought, looking around the pasture. I knew I had to find him of course, so I looked over all the pastures but still didn't find him!
So I took Bjarmi inside, put his saddle and bridle on, and started searching from horseback. Soon enough I found the crazy stallion the place I least expected him: He was in the sheep pasture! I got to the pasture, put a rope on Bersi, and started riding with him beside Bjarmi to get back to the stable. I knew I had to check the pasture first, before letting him into it again.
And when I looked back, what did I see? As sheep was following young Bersi closely - silly animals.
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